This past year, when an undergraduate biology student at the University of the Fraser Valley approached dean of science Lucy Lee for $2,000 to publish a paper in an academic journal, Dr. Lee had immediate concerns about the request. However, the veracity and reliability of online news sources can vary enormouslybe sure to pay careful attention to authority here. That website the one thats informative and engaging and got you through your first year of university is just like Wikipedia. You might also like: Youve probably used one of these bad essay sources before. When writing a research paper, always use and cite credible sources. Our publication is open to submissions from scholars at all stages of their academic career (undergraduate and above). I'd like to publish some work I'm doing on my MA so I'm just putting some feelers out to hear if anyone has any experiences with this journal. This had a Molbank section where you could upload one molecule syntheses as fully OA papers, no cost to authors, no cost to read them. At the end of September, the India-based company made news in Canada after Rose Simpson, the former managing editor of the Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine and several other scholarly journals, blew the whistle on some of its purchases. It is often appropriate and necessary to also refer to non-academic publications in an assignment. So next time you use Google Books, cite the book, not the webpage. The BMJ gives priority to articles reporting original, robust research studies that can improve decision making in medical practice, policy, education, or future research and will be important to general medical readers internationally. Before I leave you, as usual, a quick recap of your essay sources you should never cite in an academic paper: 7 Bad Essay Sources to Avoid | Essay Guidance. This recent hijacking trend is particularly disturbing, says Dr. Franco, because the fakes piggyback on real brands and confuse even vigilant academics. People are copying the model from friends and uncles, because they see how easily theyre making profits. Predatory journals are run less like multinational corporations and more like syndicates, working independently of one another but using similar models, resources and methods. What sources you use depend on the kind of research you are conducting. The warnings need to be stark to alert people, he says. the strategies for working within the rules. The publisher, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), churns out nearly 160 scholarly journals a year, many of them of mediocre quality, according to Jeffrey Beall, an associate professor and librarian at the University of Colorado Denver, and one of the worlds leading experts on what he calls predatory open access publishing. Most submissions are between 2,500 and 7,000 words. The list of sources within that bibliography should be pretty extensive, and it should include scholarly non-Internet sources. There are many different types of sources, which can be divided into three categories: primary sources, secondary sources, and tertiary sources. What type of article is it? Similarly, if youre actually writing an essay on evolution, go ahead and cite Charles Darwin. engaging, useful way to deliver information. Here Ive compiled a simple list of seven examples of unreliable essay sources which you should avoid referencing at all costs. Thoughts. letters, interviews). Our goal is to provide a credible and accessible venue for the dissemination of the best student scholarship into the public, professional, and academic discourse. The sources the author cited should be easy to find, clear, and unbiased. When Mr. Beall discovers a predatory publisher, he doesnt pull his punches. 6. However, unlike legitimate journals, they bombard academics with spam emails, accept almost all submissions and overstate the rigour of their peer-review processes. The best way to contact Inquiries Journal is through email. An aspect that I am particularly drawn to, and would certainly tell future scholars, is that of their desire to increase the visibility of students research, regardless of if it is specifically on their own platform. Ah, nice, the 378th article about OMICS journals & predatory publishing with all the details that any academic worth their title should know by knowbut I wish these articles would also spell out a more blunt truth: If you go to any journal page and a substantial amount of articles are published by academics on the global periphery, very often based at universities you didnt even know existed, chances are that this is a predatory journal. In June of 2016, Student Pulse changed its name to Inquiries Journal to better reflect the growing diversity of contributors to the publication. How to identify reliable sources c. Audit evidence obtained directly by the auditor is more reliable than audit evidence obtained indirectly or by inference. Are you interested in my paper? and if youre lucky, theyre the exact book segments that you need to learn Its an excellent resource! learn exactly the content in the exact way they wrote about it in a Theyre blogs. This is because those types of sources typically include more information on the topic at hand. 2.What does all scientific inquiry have in common? Follow the Words Volume and the Inquiry Paper Format. Beware of grandiose claims, and critically analyze anything not cited or backed up by evidence. There are a few criteria to look at right away when assessing a source. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 800-232-4636. One of the top skills that your degree signifies is that youve got the skills to conduct high-quality research. The original version of the SMQ consisting of 26 items and two factors measures metacognition in online collaborative learning environments based on the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework. cite the more reliable journal and provide an open access link to the paper . Academic books, such as textbooks, are in most instances written by experts in the pertinent field and are therefore considered reliable sources. Your email address will not be published. INQUIRIES Journal is an open-access academic journal that highlights the work of students at the undergraduate level and above. Home | Current Issue | Blog | Archives | Keep in mind that opinion-based articles, scholarly news, and letters to the editor get published in scholarly journals alongside scholarly articles. you use in essays need to be academically vetted through a process called peer review. The OER Commons is a public digital library that is curated by librarians, and a solid place to start. Older faculty members know the credible journals, because there are only a few great journals in each discipline., In his role as chair of McGills department of oncology, Dr. Franco oversees academic promotion, which includes reading every CV submitted to the department. Your email address will not be published. About The Helpful Professor Primary and secondary sources are not related to peer review in any way. Some examples: Nature Publishing Group (now part of Springer), 36 journals; Oxford University Press, 27 journals; even Elsevier, 263 journals. The quality of audit evidence is dependent mainly on the form and source of the evidence. The sources below are organized in the following manner: the first source is a website that is very reliable; the second source is a website that is not very reliable; the third source is a website that is in the middle of the spectrum, leaning more toward being unreliable. This is a great place to kick off your research. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Read Wikipedia. Academic journals are often a great place to find trustworthy and credible content, and are considered one of the most reliable sources you can use in academic writing. There is definitely cross-over, but tarring most OA journals with this brush does a major disservice to the many parties who are trying to enhance access to good, scholarly, reputable information. Use the information you find online as one tool to become more informed. Google scholar: This Internet search engine helps the user to locate scholarly literature in the form of articles and books, professional societies . Legitimate OERs can be a great resource. An OMICS representative in Dubai offered her a contract position. WASHINGTONA report on the origins of Covid-19 by a U.S. government national laboratory concluded that the hypothesis claiming the virus leaked from a Chinese lab in Wuhan is plausible and deserves. Savvy deans such as Dr. Lee at UFV are trying to raise awareness about these issues. Whats Wikipedia Good For?Wikipedia functions as a brief, accessible and easy-to-read introduction to a topic. Youre right that you can figure out a predatory journal using its website, mainly by noting the basic errors, but its not true that an indicator is a substantial amount of articles published by academics on the global periphery. The global periphery, however you define it, has nothing to do with it, other than what I wrote in my article. Depending on the type of information you need, your sources may vary. Read it when you want to begin to develop an understanding of the topic. The 3 key checks to tell if a source is reliable 1. Then, upload that research item on any platform you wish. Any student at the undergraduate level or above is invited to make a submission to the journal. This is the most common one on the whole list. The information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Journal metrics Editorial board. This journal is an excellent fit for my own research in that the journal spans a wide array of topics, including many articles on film criticism, my own research area. These 2 areas are relatively straightforward and provide substantial utility relative to the . The second group often is a good source of information. The information should be up to date and current. Has the author been cited by other scholars? My source cites or links to other sources that appear relevant and trustworthy. The Wall Street Journal reported this week that the Department of Energy has now joined the FBI in assessing that an accidental leak from a Wuhan lab likely gave rise to the once-in-a-century pandemic. As a university student, you need to be able to show the skill of finding sources However, unlike blogs, published magazines usually do uphold journalistic standards of not publishing lies or slander that could result in litigation. They also have the most references or citations. Legitimate firms count article citations and other factors to measure a journals influence or impact. Where do they get the money? If the information is not strong or low quality, the audit risks of making incorrect audit opinions are high. There are some predatory journals that specialize in that, charging only $200 or $300 for publication, says Mr. Beall. Inquiry is an international peer-reviewed journal publishing work within in all areas of philosophy. ISSN: 2153-5760. Unlike most other academic student publications, the journal has no official affiliation and is financially independent, supported by its users. About The Journal | Submissions Both citations Plus, shutting down these sites is nearly impossible; when someone convinces authorities to shut one down, another site quickly replaces it. Editors note, Jan. 18, 2017:Jeffrey Beall, the University of Colorado Denver librarian behind Bealls List of potential, possible or probable predatory journals, has removed all information from his site. Check who made it Some sources are more reliable than others - make sure you're getting news from journalists and official news sites,. Heres some advice: treat all these great topic-specific websites like Wikipedia. The journal requests that papers be I have checked that it is supported by evidence and/or verifiable elsewhere. We can/should talk about global inequalities, better education and research funding for academics and higher education systems on said periphery, but in the meantime you can pretty much spot a predatory journal the moment you access their .com website. what a sources motive is. INQUIRIES Journal is an open-access academic journal that highlights the work of students at the undergraduate level and above. (Features & Stereotypes), 10 Italian People Features & Stereotypes (What They Look Like), 10 Polish people Features, Characteristics and Stereotypes. Academic dishonesty can be intentional or unintentional, ranging from something as simple as claiming to have read something you didnt to copying your neighbors answers on an exam. Trade or professional journals bridge the gap between scholarly and popular sources in that they are aimed at a quite specific audience, yet can be enjoyed by the layman. Required fields are marked *. It can be especially challenging to verify the credibility of online sources. The Dr. Franco has had his own run-ins with predatory publishers. The reason teachers use YouTube is that its a really Three of the most common sources of inspiration are informal observations, practical problems, and previous research. A short peer-review process and sudden request for fees are signs of a predatory journal. It ensures that you collect accurate information to back up the arguments you make and the conclusions you draw. I do recognize that sometimes you do need to cite very famous people. JMI explores ideas and builds knowledge in management theory and practice, with a focus on creative, nontraditional research, as well as, key controversies in the field. We prefer in-text references, endnotes, and reference lists be formatted according to APA guidelines. Its become more difficult to hear real signals to hear about real, relevant scientific discoveries., In an effort to alert academics, Mr. Beall updated his Bealls List to include both AJPI and Pulsus as possible predators and wrote about the panic among staff and editors at many Canadian medical journals. It was eye-opening. Then, analyse the quote. Do not think that "the more, the better," using as many words as possible. How long will the review process take? Articles can be primary or secondary, just as books can be. In this case, a reference in the reliable source is only credible in its field of knowledge. You should always, after reading Wikipedia, jump onto Google Scholar and continue your search for credible essay sources. Your email address will not be published. is inquiries journal a reliable source. Sadly it later became compulsory to donate a sample of the molecule if you wished to publish, which became prohibive if you had to deal with customs, OHS etc. The journal publishes work across a range of academic disciplines with a particular focus on the social sciences, arts, and humanities. Such conference organizers harvest emails from university websites and send requests to academics, some of whom, unfortunately, use the opportunity to take vacations. All rights reserved. Mr. Beall has called this particular environmental publication a pretend journal. So when Dr. Lee next saw the biology student, she alerted her to the potential problems and redirected her to more credible scholarly publications, such as FACETS, a Canadian open access journal. Still, not knowing much about OMICS, she agreed to help in the transition at the Pulsus Group. Okay, use the Google Books website. All you need is a website and the money starts rolling in. Okay, so heres the deal. We accept submissions from students at the undergraduate level and above (in addition to works completed while the author was enrolled in a university setting). August 26, 2021 This is a problem for all scholars, irrespective of language, says Vincent Larivire, an expert on scholarly publishing who holds the Canada Research Chair on the Transformations of Scholarly Communication at Universit de Montral. Everyone just freaked out, she says. University Affairs uses cookies and other tracking tools to offer you a better experience when you visit our site. Let all with something to say be free to express themselves. the time by teachers. In other cases, editors-in-chief are resigning. I thought, Oh my god, Ms. Simpson says. Roughly 60% of the submissions we receive are from undergraduate students, while an additional 40% come from academics at the graduate level and beyond. Read them. Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether a magazine's focus is conservative, liberal or radical. second citation looks better, is better, and will not throw up a red flag to your For basic advice, refer to the site, Avoid using journal whitelists because such lists and indexes werent created for the purpose of conferring legitimacy. Often. Quality of Audit Evidence: The quality of audit evidence is essential to ensure that the auditor's conclusion is correct. What makes a set of data primary is not the reliability of source of the information but involvement of the researcher in the collection (sometimes through direct observation), organization,. SORT TRUTH FROM FICTION Fraud-risk indications may be present in documents, reports, exception statistics and behaviors, and there are many effective discovery-based tests auditors can perform, including large sample sizes, computer-assisted audit techniques, observation, analysis and . Given the number and sophistication of predatory and mediocre journals and the lack of oversight and policing in the industry perhaps the most reasonable advice is to assume that all new journals are suspect, unless the journals criteria and content prove otherwise. In the journal I edit, we receive a tiny stipend from our professional association and apply for grants and faculty graduate research stipends to help with editorial assistance. Before looking at how to turn such ideas into empirically testable research questions, it is worth looking at where such ideas come from in the first place. You will likely use a combination of the three types over the course of your research process. One way to determine this is by using. April Fools' Day or All Fools' Day is an annual custom on 1 April consisting of practical jokes and hoaxes.Jokesters often expose their actions by shouting "April Fools!" at the recipient. Some have also accepted roles as editors or editorial board members of these journals, he wrote. My source is relevant to my research topic. In March 2014 we introduced the option of receiving an expedited review in which we provide a decision within 10-days, however the vast majority of submissions proceed through the normal track. Bible, The Quran or other inspirational quotes in their papers.
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