I could have got rid of the sparklers myself, of course, but I wasnt sure whether I had the authority.. WebHufflepuff was one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Because Luna witnessed her mothers death when she was little, she can see Thestrals (the black horses that pull the carriages of students to Hogwarts) when no one else can. There is a devious side to some Ravenclaws, as with all the houses. It pairs well with their pride and competitiveness. TM & WBEI. They are known for creativity, wisdom, and acceptance. Because it taught a lot of fans to be confident about themselves. Even if it was a type of magic that other Hogwarts houses would steer clear of. And a lot of people can learn from it too. The Great Hall with the Ravenclaw banners raised, Symbol of Ravenclaw as seen in Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells, The Ravenclaw House point hourglass as seen in the console versions of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (video game). A Gryffindor, mind you, but just as big a Ravenclaw as well. [23] On the other hand, a particularly poorly-phrased riddle might bemuse a particular student, blocking them from entering and forcing them to sleep outside. [26][27] However, during the 1994 Triwizard Tournament, most Ravenclaws supported Hufflepuff champion Cedric Diggory over Harry. Luna Lovegood Since competition can have a positive effect on social motivation. Related: Harry Potter: The 10 Most Evil Ravenclaw Characters. #sarcasm. Members Interestingly, despite their intelligence, one of the worst Ravenclaw traits is that Ravenclaws can sometimes be oblivious like Lockhart and Luna. None of the houses' articles include Pisces :( Where do we belong?! And you can bet a lot of other Ravenclaws were like this too. RavenclawTraits. Ravenclaws possess the traits of cleverness, wisdom, wit, intellectual ability and creativity. Notable Alumni. Rowena Ravenclaw founded Ravenclaw House. Ravenclaw Tower. The Ravenclaw common room and dormitories are located in Ravenclaw Tower on the west side of the castle.Welcome Message. Old Pottermore. Behind the ScenesReferencesSee Also Ravenclaws possess the traits of cleverness, wisdom, wit, intellectual ability and creativity. Well, its not something unique to Hufflepuffs. Ravenclaws and cancers are independent and self-reliant but also loyal to the ones they love. Rowena Ravenclaw They adapt well to any situation and are both highly intelligent. Plain old jeans and a t-shirt aren't going to cut it for you (unless you accessorize with, like, a tiara or something). Hufflepuffs are known for being trustworthy, loyal and hardworking. Element Rowena Ravenclaw[1] "And once again: well done on becoming a member of the cleverest, quirkiest and most interesting house at Hogwarts.". Nobody can beat Ravenclaws in that department. In fact, sometimes keeping a secret is important. He's the punch line of a lot of wizarding jokes. [6] The Head of Ravenclaw was Filius Flitwick,[7][9] and the House ghost was the Grey Lady,[6] real name Helena Ravenclaw, daughter of Rowena. Super sexy. Ravenclaws can come across as a bit stuck-up and full of themselves because they often know just how smart they are! Eagle[3] They are imaginative and inspire others as well. Characters like Luna Lovegood are a good example of these Ravenclaw traits. Because being smart can get you so far in life. I think that Ravenclaw is more about being careful and wise, unlike Gryffindor which is the aggressive and thoughtless house. This can make for some entertaining scenes in the movies, as well as some interesting clashes of character. Well, even research agrees that a bit of humor is good for you. Rowena valued learning, so she chose students who demonstrated cleverness and wisdom. Too bad the author doesnt seem to follow up on comments. Her choice of blue as a colour for the Ilvermorny school uniform was inspired by Ravenclaw.[25]. When in reality, other Hogwarts houses can have intelligent people too. [7][9] It is unknown when he became head of house, but it is known that he was teaching Charms in 1971. Its a lifelong process that you never really stop doing until your time comes. members. Ravenclaws are well-known for their wit, wisdom, cleverness, intellectual ability and creativity. Nobody could smack your face with reality better than a Ravenclaw. Erasmus was almost certainly a Ravenclaw. Join the Fan Club and bring your traits with you. And Luna Lovegood was the only witch not afraid to point it out. Some Ravenclaws, such as Uric the Oddball, Xenophilius Lovegood, and his daughter Luna Lovegood were also noted to have a propensity towards eccentricity. Fancy getting sorted into your own Hogwarts house? "The Gryffindors are OK. Others, like Luna, are less arrogant because they simply do not care how they compare to others. Hermione was more brave than witty, as shown in Harry Potter and the This could be very advantageous in a Wizarding Duel, especially since Ravenclaws know so many spells. Have you got any idea where the diadem of Ravenclaw is?. A climactic fight against Voldemort and his Dark wizards. Its actually a great trait that many Ravenclaws share and should be proud of. No, and Professor Flitwick still became a champion at magical dueling. Oh yes, our house ghost is the Grey Lady. Do you want to die? According to the original Pottermore welcome letter, when Ravenclaws are extremely upset he makes little cupcakes do a dance to cheer them up. Some of these eventually also ended up being not only accepted but even celebrated, in spite of being initially subjected to scorn for their various oddities. And its 1 of their best traits. Luna Lovegood knew better than to bother him. The mixture is a closely guarded secret but the price has remained at two Sickles a scoop for a hundred years. Not to mention embrace their different quirks. They value their educational studies and apply themselves earnestly in all that they do. You may be surprised that Hermione Grainger was sorted into Gryffindor when these traits seem to describe her. She was a natural-born Seer. A thirteenth-century witch and celebrated inventor of Floo powder. Maybe you're considered fashionable or maybe not, but whichever way it goes, your sartorial decisions usually get people's attention. The emblematic animal symbol was an eagle, and blue and bronze were its colours. Just so they could get the top marks in a test or a course. Its all about looking into the future. Slytherin house has an unfortunate reputation. This doesnt mean that all Ravenclaws are self-important, but some of them are, like Professor Lockhart. Gryffindors havent got our intellectual curiosity, whereas weve got no problem if you want to spend your days and nights cracking eggs in a corner of the common room and writing down your predictions according to the way the yolks fall. Many Each founder had something different that they treasured in their students, and used the magical Sorting Hat to help determine where each Hogwarts student fit best. Ravenclaws don't particularly care what other people think of them, and this allows them to comfortably express themselves in unique and interesting ways. But can you guess who made the wittiest remark? Ravenclaw came fourth for the fourth house cup with 24,567,337 points. "Without wishing to boast, this is the house where the cleverest witches and wizards live. And thats why theyre 1 of, if not the most hard-working and intelligent wizards in the world. In fact, theyve got quite the calculating side too. As a result, every Ravenclaws intelligence had to start somewhere. It's not a great idea to get on the bad side of a Ravenclaw. In short: People who get really into whatever they're into. Your brains are just sort of universally acknowledged among your friends. And if you need someone who can blend good reasoning with a hilarious comeback. And thats because a Ravenclaw knows how to work just as hard. Slytherin. Well, it was a Horcrux. Sometimes they think that only a fellow Ravenclaw can understand their ambition for academic success. Ravenclaws are characterized by their brilliance, creativity, wit, and originality. On top of that, we also have Gilderoy Lockhart. Why be boring? But dont mistake them for sticking to their books 100% of the time. The dormitories are in turrets off the main tower, where students can hear the wind whistling around the windows. She has a curious outlook on life and lives life to the fullest. It creates a rivalry where students from other houses dont interact much. In some ways, this makes them more like Gryffindors than other houses and they are also willing to bend the rules, as they will come up with creative explanations of how they are technically not doing anything wrong. Looking to improve your overall well-being and mental health? Even so, not all Ravenclaws were motivated by academic prowess. However, he never let it hinder his success and went on to be the Charms Master at Hogwarts. Maybe Harry Potter wouldnt have had to go through so much trouble finding it. It had graceful arched windows, and the walls were hung with blue and bronze silks. Shes particularly useful if youre lost, or youve mislaid something. They definitely think they are smarter and more put together than students from other houses. Its colors, blue and bronze, go together well and feel unique. @kay, I was surprised that Aries wasn't mentioned as a regular Ravenclaw. In a tight situation, they are likely to be the first to think their way out of it. The Head of House is Professor Severus Snape, and the common room can be found down in the dungeons under the lake (which only adds to the Slytherin air of mystery). So what makes it a good trait among Ravenclaws, you ask? Most fans think of Ravenclaws as the academic type. The knocker asks a question of anyone who knocks on it and opens the door when the question is answered correctly. In fact, thats 1 of the best attitudes of a Ravenclaw. This can either lead to infuriating one-sided conversations filled with riddles to lead someone else to the answer they seek, or just outright withholding knowledge. Delivering the latest news and official products from the Wizarding World and our partners. For example, people looked down on Filius Flitwick because he was a half-goblin. In high school, you probably hung out in the art or band room or in the theater a lot. The common room is circular, with arched windows that provide incredible views of the Hogwarts grounds, and a domed ceiling painted with stars like the night sky. House colours Although Hermione was sorted into Gryffindor, the Sorting Hat considered Ravenclaw for her. The Sorting Hat would only put you in this house if you demonstrated excellent wisdom, wit and a skill for learning. The houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. We're a bookish lot; it goes along with that whole "smart" and "nerdy" thing. And no matter how long ago a time that was. FawcettIgnatia WildsmithChester DaviesTulip KarasuBadeea AliTalbott WingerAndre Egwu Its hard to identify Ravenclaws as a collective because they are all more likely to be individual and inward-focused. We not only accept off-beat eccentrics for who they are but welcome them into our lives with open arms. Why on Earth would you want to not think? Related: Harry Potter: The 10 Richest Ravenclaw Characters. Like calling her Loony Lovegood instead of her real name. Later on, we find out that he handcrafts every wand and remembers each one that he sells. They also prided themselves on being original in their ideas, and methods. Their insight is what allows them to understand things like riddles, which is required for getting past the Ravenclaw common room door. Cho Chang actually took her friends side. Like learning more from your experiences. lol. Just so a Ravenclaw can get a leg up on you. Unfortunately, Harry had a lot of trouble figuring out its location. Amanda is a freelance writer and entertainment journalist. As a result, they didnt just want to beat other houses. Shouldnt Ravenclaws be open-minded because theyre creative?. Five Admirable Ravenclaw Traits. They arent as self-righteous as Gryffindors or as prideful as Slytherins, but Ravenclaws also have a judgmental side to them. Ravenclaw came third for the seventh and eighth house cups with 49,775,819 and 23,712,525 points. In fact, that just makes you more interesting. Is that it? "Speaking of eccentrics, you'll like our Head of house, Professor Filius Flitwick. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Well, Ravenclaws started taking credit for other wizards work. People from Ravenclaw House have a sharp wit and quick tongue that can make them very fun to be around. So even if they can think outside the box to learn new stuff. Ravenclaw values intelligence, knowledge, and wit. While Ravenclaws seem to have endless reserves of knowledge and wit, they can use this to their advantage in a bad way. In fact, Professor Trelawney taught Divination. Maybe with classmates, colleagues, similarly smart friends, or that one smug looking a**hole at your weekly trivia night who needs to be taken down a peg. Contact Us - Harry Potter: The 5 Most Admirable Ravenclaw Traits (& Students in Ravenclaw are noted for their individuality and acceptance of people and things that others would consider weird, as well as their outstanding intelligence. Many also exhibit the traits of being disciplined and dependable. Ravenclaw house crest. RELATED: 10 Dumbest Things The Ravenclaws Ever Did In Harry Potter. In Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that we love, there are four houses that the students will get sorted into in their first year. As one might expect of their creative natures, the Hogwarts house Ravenclaw traits show they are also original and independent. One of the big flaws with the Harry Potter house system at Hogwarts is how it separates the students from each other. Introduced in The Sorcerer's Stone, the four Hogwarts houses were founded by Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin, and named based on the founder's surname. Some of the wizarding worlds best and brightest belonged to this house Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore are just a couple that spring to mind! But you dont have to flaunt it everywhere, right? He wrote a book detailing all of his interactions with Dark creatures and dangerous experiences and then proceeded to boast about himself until we find out he was lying the entire time. WebHufflepuff House is one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was founded by Helga Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw has an aesthetically pleasing design for its emblem and its common room. On top of that, Professor Trelawneys no slouch in the eccentric department. Grey Lady[6][10] Cunning and resourceful intelligence has more relation to Slytherin. And thats why I love Harry Potter so much. Moaning Myrtle may not be the happiest ghost character in the series, but she certainly adds some comic relief to the scenes she appears in. If there's a problem to be solved, or studying to do, or any kind of trivia question to be answered, you're the go-to person and you don't even pretend you don't love it. If you're friends with other Ravenclaws, you take pride in the Genius Posse you've assembled. Another example would be Professor Filius Flitwick, a half-goblin who might have faced scorn for his short stature earlier in life but went on to become a renowned Duelling Champion, and subsequently one of the finest and most knowledgable Charms Masters in the entirety of the wizarding world during his employment at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Professor, Im sorry to interrupt, but this is important. In fact, its easily 1 of my favorite scenes from the film: Sure, Ravenclaws are known for being smart. A yearly award given to the most outstanding Hogwarts House. [24] Filius Flitwick was in the same situation at the time of his Sorting, but in his case the Hat decided on Ravenclaw instead of Gryffindor. Well, the Ministry took drastic measures to protect Hogwarts from him. "Another cool thing about Ravenclaw is that our people are the most individual some might even call them eccentrics. The rest of the school thinks she never speaks, but shell talk to Ravenclaws. They rose at almost the exact moment as the Hufflepuffs and turned their wands upon Pansy Parkinson and Slytherin House in Harry Potter's defence when the former wished to hand Harry over to Lord Voldemort and his army of Death Eaters.[10]. And with people like Luna Lovegood with them. one of the best friends anyone could wish for. Because they didnt shy away from backstabbing fellow Ravenclaws. But did you know Ravenclaws Grey Lady is the least talkative Hogwarts ghost, or that Ravenclaws common room boasts the most stunning views of the castle grounds?. Tables, chairs, and bookcases covered the expanse of the floor, and a white marble statue of Rowena Ravenclaw sat next to the door that led to the dormitories above. Ravenclaws can be a bit fussy and nitpicky. Hufflepuffs are just the most humble of all the houses and dont feel the need to shout about their achievements in the same way as the others. For example, lets take a look at Hermione Granger. Marietta Edgecombe was a Ravenclaw who slyly went behind the backs of the members of Dumbledores Army and told Dolores Umbridge what they were doing. One had to climb a tight spiral staircase to get there. In fact, I'd advise you to triple-check your bag for everything you need before leaving Ravenclaw Tower. The following translations have changed the name: *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. However, Ravenclaws tend to take it too far. It was Professor Filius Flitwick. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey, LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World, LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story, Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World, Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord, Unidentified Dumbledore's Army male Ravenclaw member 1997-1998 (II), Unidentified Ravenclaw boy during the Battle of Hogwarts, Ravenclaw boy who carried a body during the Battle of Hogwarts, Ravenclaw black girl during the Battle of Hogwarts, Ravenclaw girl during the Battle of Hogwarts, Ravenclaw student asked to the Yule Ball by a Durmstrang student, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - The Original Screenplay, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore - The Complete Screenplay, Pottermore introductions to Hogwarts Houses, Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Sybill Trelawney", Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Gilderoy Lockhart", The Leaky Cauldron and Mugglenet interview Joanne Kathleen Rowling, Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry", Pottermore - Secret Lives of the Hogwarts Ghosts, Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Mr Ollivander", Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Professor Quirrell", J.K. Rowling and the Live Chat, Bloomsbury.com, July 30, 2007, Jealous daughter of the house founder, who stole her mother's, Famous for his eccentric habits, such as wearing a, Later became a celebrity author and adventurer (until being exposed as a fraud), disgraced winner of the, Member of Dumbledore's Army and close friend of, In the books, Ravenclaw colours are blue and bronze; however, in the.
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