And why so? Paraguay, 27 September 1971 843 1; cf. If Your Hand/Hands are Impeded . Zambia, 11 March 1974 This helps explain why this line of thought isnt gaining much traction except on the right fringe. On the part of both the minister and the recipient, whenever the host is placed in the hand of a communicant there must be careful concern and caution, especially about particles that might fall from the hosts. What is the proper way of receiving Communion in the hand? - AOD In defending his push to give Communion to grave sinners, McElroy reiterated his belief that conscience has the "privileged place" over doctrine in decision-making and suggested that it can . Particularly in regard to this way of receiving communion, experience suggests certain matters requiring careful attention. They should be grave and objective questions related to good and evil. From this brief historical survey, however, we know that this need not be the case, and we can look to the Fathers for a pious example as we seek to foster reverence towards the Eucharist in the liturgy today. It is now August 2020 and I can say that you have been proven wrong. Basil the Great, 330-379 stated, "The right to receive Holy Communion in the hand is permitted only in times of persecution." This statement may very well have been made in response to St. Cyril of Jerusalem in 348. More people have received Communion in the past century. Some may choose to receive the Lord on the tongue while others choose to receive in the hand. [22] Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Faith 10, trans. With your hand hollowed, receive the Body of Christ and answer 'Amen'. I used the wordnecessarilyas an equivalent to in and of itself. There is no inherent reason why Communion in the hand is less reverent. [10] See John Damascene, On the Orthodox Faith, 4.13. The Pope grants that throughout the territory of your conference, each bishop may, according to his prudent judgment and conscience, authorize in his diocese the introduction of the new rite for giving communion. The rite of communion in the hand must not be put into practice indiscriminately. We owe the Lord as much attention to detail. This reply aged like Milk (currently January 2022). When receiving in the hand, the communicant should be guided by the words of St. Cyril of Jerusalem . 1396: In Baptism we have been called to form but one body. What Everyone Should Know About How To Receive Holy Communion It seems appropriate to conclude this reflection on the Communion Procession and the reception of Communion with a quotation from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. The way you put it, it doesnt sound obsessive-compulsive but salutary. Since practices vary from one church to another, we hope these guidelines help you feel more at home. For example, Augustine writes, Someone might say that the Eucharist should not be received daily. Not only was Communion in the hand started in disobedience, it was perpetuated by deceit. The rationale for Communion on the hands being an ancient practice is from St. Cyril of Jerusalem. A perception such as this is a dreadfully inaccurate and impoverished understanding of what is a significant religious action. Follow-up: Objecting to Communion in the Hand (10-16-2018), Pursuant to my reflections on Communion in the hand (October 2), a reader from France claimed that It is totally justified to claim that Communion in the hand is necessarily less reverent or inevitably leads to abuses. Over and over again the prayers of the liturgy and the norms of the General Instruction emphasize this fundamental concept of the unity of the baptized, stressing that when we come together to participate in the Eucharistic celebration we come, not as individuals, but as united members of Christ's Body. Paul W. Harkins ACW 31 (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1963). To be honest, I dont really belong to either camp on this, and like you, I think the polarization on this issue is doing more harm than good. Bishop Athanasius Schneider argued along the same lines at the end of February. I similarly think Cardinal Sarahs frankly ridiculous comments about Lucifer are draining credibility from his cause (one that I admittedly align with sometimes), even if some of his proposals are good ones. Indeed, it can be dangerous for contagion. This blog is not associated with Pray Tell: An open forum on faith in South Texas. It is advisable, therefore, that the rite be introduced gradually and in the beginning within small, better prepared groups and in favorable settings. Take a step or two to the side to make way for the next communicant, then receive our Lord. However, when they receive Communion standing, it is recommended that the faithful make appropriate reverence, according to the norms established, before receiving the Sacrament. Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA. The infamous coffee cup masses Dorothy Day describes in her book may have had good intentions behind them, but the way they appeared to trivialize the Holy Sacrifice of the mass lent no dignity to the then new Pauline mass. It may well be the case that the sudden change in practice after Vatican II decreased devotion towards the Eucharist and belief in the true presence, and it may well be the case that there were bad actors who in fact desired this result. Ever since the InstructionMemoriale Dominithree years ago, some of the conferences of bishops have been requesting the Apostolic See for the faculty to allow ministers distributing communion to place the eucharistic bread in the hand of the faithful. It is still the practice of millions of committed Latin-rite Catholics all over the world and of many Eastern Churches who administer the Eucharist under both species on the tongue. This article has been selected from the ZENIT Daily Dispatch Innovative Media, Inc. ZENIT International News Agency Via della Stazione di Ottavia, 95 00165 Rome,, To subscribe or email: with SUBSCRIBE in the "subject" field, Provided Courtesy of: Eternal Word Television Network 5817 Old Leeds Road Irondale, AL, HOME - EWTNews - FAITH - TELEVISION - RADIO - LIBRARY - MULTIMEDIAWHAT'S NEW - GENERAL - RELIGIOUS CATALOGUE - PILGRIMAGES - ESPAOL, EWTN | 5817 Old Leeds Rd. Greg., Dial., I, III, c. iii). Care must also be taken that the communicants have clean hands and that their comportment is becoming and in keeping with the practices of the different peoples. 48 (Sept/Oct), pg 361. On the other hand, this mode of communion is not anywhere associated with lay involvement or accessibility, nor is it thought to de-emphasize the role of the priest. If one is receiving in the hand the following is normative: upon approaching the minister of the Host extend the hands in the middle of the chest. For some, however, the singing of this hymn is perceived as an intrusion on their own prayer, their private thanksgiving after Communion. SACRED CONGREGATION FOR DIVINE WORSHIP, Letter En reponse a la demande, to presidents of those conferences of bishops petitioning the indult for communion in the hand, 29 May 1969: Acta Apostolicae Sedis 61 (1969) 546-547; Notitiae 5 (1969) 351-353. First, Cyril: Coming up to receive, therefore, do not approach with your wrists extended or your fingers splayed, but making your left hand a throne for the right (for it is about to receive a King) and cupping your palm, so receive the Body of Christ; and answer: Amen.[20], To receive the Sacrament which is given, a person stretches out his right hand, and under it he places the left hand. Come see,
We are the Body of Christ, moving forward to receive the Christ who makes us one with himself and with one another. Bolivia, October 15 1969 51 (Feb), pg 62). In North Africa (including Egypt) the practice is mentioned by Tertullian,[1] Cyprian,[2] Augustine,[3] Cyril of Alexandria,[4] and John Climacus. A person who is conscious of grave sin is not to receive the Body and Blood of the Lord without prior sacramental confession except for a grave reason where there is no opportunity for confession. For the first few centuries of the Church, receiving Communion in the hand was a common practice. The faithful should consume the host before returning to their place; the ministers part will be brought out by use of the usual formulary, The body of Christ, to which the communicant replies: Amen. If one is left-handed this is reversed. The Church understands the Communion Procession, in fact every procession in liturgy, as a sign of the pilgrim Church, the body of those who believe in Christ, on their way to the Heavenly Jerusalem. Guidelines for Receiving Holy Communion. In approaching therefore, come not with your wrists extended, or your fingers spread; but make your left hand a throne for the right, as for that which is to receive a King. The practice of communion on the tongue with the use of patens in the West, and in both kinds on a spoon with a drop cloth in the East, moreover, are natural developments from the concern of the Early Church to prevent Eucharistic mishaps. I think proponents of tongue/kneeling will get a better hearing if they uphold all aspects of Communion. In this ordinance Christ ratifies his promises to his people, and they on their part solemnly consecrate themselves to him and to his entire service. This is the reason why you say after him: Amen.[21]. In this context, I think it is fair to say that the present practice of Communion in the hand is not a simple restoration of a historical custom but rather introduced a new practice in new circumstances which, while it has some historical justification, is essentially motivated by current pastoral concerns in some parts of the world. To increase sanctifying grace and all virtues in our soul. Pakistan, 29 October 1976 Who holds the wind in the palm of his hand?
Objecting to Communion in the Hand | EWTN When permitted, the choice as to the form of reception falls upon the communicant and not upon the priest. But back in the West, where most of us at PT are from, the Church is struggling. But as time passed it became the practice to receive Communion directly on the tongue in order to assure that the Host was received reverently. And of course Pope Paul VI was adamant that all the reforms carried out under him were faithful to the Second Vatican Council. Particularly in regard to this way of receiving communion, experience suggests certain matters requiring careful attention. St. To be a pledge of everlasting life. For this reason, since the question of Communion in the hand is not a question of faith as such, and it has been approved by the legitimate authority, I do not believe that a priest can invoke conscience as a motive for refusing to apply a legitimate law. 5. However, this is likely to lead to many embarrassing instances for the faithful who approach communion unaware of the situation. That rhetorical flow and its further implicit objections (i.e., take care lest XYZ) *could* be a setup for a generous grant of indults, but given the overall negative tone I dont think it accidental or inconsequential that the prospect of permission is only mentioned in these cases where contrary practice already prevails. The cultural backing. Do we have faith in the efficacy of the sacraments or not? No wonder so many people there have given up on Christianity. [2] Cyprian, On the Good of Patience 14, On the Lapsed 16 and 26,and Letter 55.9. Churches are closing, priests are dying off, masses young people are dropping their faith, and the Church is slowly slipping into obscurity in its own homeland. Scotland, 7 July 1977 Even if we presume the authenticity of the text we still do not know how long the practice lasted, whether leavened or unleavened bread was used and whether the practice was exclusive to the Church of Jerusalem. Whatever procedure is adopted, care must be taken not to allow particles of the eucharistic bread to fall or be scattered. [17] See Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, 7.9.4. SACRED CONGREGATION FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF THE SACRAMENTS, InstructionImmensae caritatis, on facilitating reception of Communion in certain circumstances, 29 January 1973: AAS 65 (1973) 264-271; Not 9 (1973) 157-164. Library : Holy Communion in the Hand? | Catholic Culture There are particles, and there are particles. Part I - Holy Communion: The Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus - USCCB The author seems to think that liturgical reforms should consist of only what an ecumenical council prescribed. How to Receive the Eucharist | Catholic Answers Whatever one thinks about the practice today and its reemergence after Vatican II, it is important that our conversation be grounded in an accurate picture of the history of this practice. Henry Percival and ed. Q. Archbishop Anthony Fisher, OP, of Sydney published an excellent paper on the topic of conscience and authority which can be found at:, in a slightly briefer form at In fact, each time we move forward together to receive the Body and Blood of the Lord, we join the countless ranks of all the baptized who have gone before us, our loved ones, the canonized and uncanonized saints down through the ages, who at their time in history formed a part of this mighty stream of believers. Maybe this is due to its similarity to practices in most Protestant churches, many of which (Anglicans and Lutherans notwithstanding) fundamentally dont believe in a sacramental Communion substance. Communion on Tongue vs. Hand? The Most Important Thing to Know: Hold If we follow the example of the Fathers, we will prioritize practices that prevent the dropping of the Eucharist and catechizing communicants not to receive in a state of mortal sin. Elizabeth Klein is an Assistant Professor of Theology at the, The Abandoned: Toward a Christocentric Phenomenology of Prayer, The Conclusion of Karl Rahner's Dissertation on the Origin of the Church from the Side Wound of the Crucified Christ. We pray that these will lessen and finally disappear, in keeping with Christ's prayer for us "that they may all be one" (Jn 17:21). Since the question involves human attitudes, this mode of communion is bound up with the perceptiveness and preparation of the one receiving. Canada, 12 February 1970 Father, as to the limitation on what regions might request this indult, Memoriale Domini stipulated that Where a contrary usage, that of placing holy communion on the hand, prevails, the Holy See [] lays on those conferences the task of weighing carefully whatever special circumstances may exist there []. Copyright 2023 Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. Irondale, Alabama. New Zealand, 24 April 1974 Finally, the fact that the Communion Procession is a profoundly religious action tells us something about the way in which we should participate in this procession. Ever since the InstructionMemoriale Dominithree years ago, some of the conferences of bishops have been requesting the Apostolic See for the faculty to allow ministers distributing communion to place the eucharistic bread in the hand of the faithful. The list obviously is not complete, for this article says that Germany and France both received permission from the Holy See on the same day in 1969: The faithful must be taught that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior and that therefore the worship of latria or adoration belonging to God is owed to Christ present in this sacrament. Japan, 27 June 1970 There are many devout Catholics who find this practice helpful. A situation that, in the US certainly, was not necessarily governed by external uniformity (given the varieties of ethnic piety and cultural practices). On this point, I will leave you with a beautiful exhortation from the Golden Tongue: Think of what you receive in your hand and never lift it to strike another and never disgrace with the sin of assault the hand that has been honored with so great a gift. This practice has been requested by individual episcopal conferences and has received approval from the Apostolic See. If, for some reason, the communicant is not able or willing to drink from the cup then that person should receive only under the form of bread. Debunking the myth that today's Communion in the hand - LifeSite Nowhere in this article did I see what the CHURCH says about Holy Communion, only the writers opinion. October 13, 2022. [23], The great and divine Apostle Paul with loud voice calls man created in the image of God, the body and temple of Christ. Jamaica, 12 March 1970 Today, both manners of receiving Communion are worthy and licit. 5. Yugoslavia, 1971 Over the years I have read a multitude of opinions for and against, and occasionally perceived false arguments. What some call discipleship, others evangelizationnew or whatever, or some speak of discernment and application of spiritual gifts. These practices have wide evidence of use and in some ways never died out completely. Pandemic will affect Communion rituals for U.S. Christians The most ancient practice of distributing Holy Communion was, with all probability, to give Communion to the faithful in the palm of the hand. Of note for the modern debate, both John Chrysostom and the Council of Constantinople in Trullo argue that human beings, made in the image of God and capable of communing with him, are more worthy to touch the Eucharist than vessels of gold and silver. Pope Paul Vl calls attention to the purpose of the InstructionMemoriale Dominiof 29 May 1969, on retaining the traditional practice in use.
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