I found that rubbing it out gave me the smoke I wanted and took away some of the haggardness of the rum smell. Smells pretty full on on the tin and while smoking. Im sipping on a bowl right now and I can honestly say this is the best pipe tobacco Ive ever had. Its not the most pleasant smell. LATAKIA! However, I didn't find the same results in smaller pipes or even my briars so I might have just had an off day. I love the slightly creamy and sweet flavor of this one. The burley and orientals are lost in the sea of Latakia, but I suppose they temper that robust smoke to remind you that you arent smoking a bowl of str aight Latakia. The taste didn't turn me o ff, cause it certainly has a beefy bold smoky flavor to it, but it didn't keep me going with it either. When I finally relented after seeing so many other pipe-men enjoying Pirate Kake I was pleasantly surprised by its taste. It is also very consistent throughout the entire bowl. Found another chewy block of this magnificent cake at the great Jack's Tobacco Shop in Milwaukee. The nuttiness of the burleys barely come through. But it is a flawed treasure. It is absolutely exquisite. It was good at first, then it started to wear on me. I love this blend. I will be stocking up on this heavily. Exhale through the nose, and thats it. A very cool, smooth, and pleasant smoke if you love Latakia. I can't detect other content in it, than latakia and some latakia blended with a pinch of latakia. Davis smoke shop in Russleville Arkansas It's a small shop but the owner is very friendly I bought this pipe and he gave me the tobacco, lighter and tool free. I smoke this after lunch in the office when I want to recharge the brain without too much of a nicotine fry ( nicotine strength is medium). . I am really starting to sound old (58). I was told that this blend is 70% latakia, and I believe it. The Krumble Kake cut adds tremendously to this blend. This is not really shocking seeing as the blend contains 75% latakia. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley from C&D, Pirate Kake is a Latakia lover's treasure. I find the Ten Russians to be a slightly better balance than Stimulus Package. I disagree with a lot of the reviewers that claim that this blend lacks complexity. The smokiness and creaminess was very addictive. It burns slow and lights easy. This tobacco has the same taste, until it all gone, unlike some tobacco's that after half the bowl is gone then you get an ashy burnt like taste. Pirate Kake is one incredible tobacco; unique in all the world. and orientals. Given the simplicity of its composition, one might think, a priori, that it is easily imitable, and yet, in my opinion, it has its own personality, something that I highly value in a tobacco, since some blends are like "deja vu" of others, but this does not happen with Pirate Kake. If I had a preference I would add a stoved Virginia to this blend to round it out and add richness to it. Talk about a master class. I use the term ?blend? Indeed you can smell the latakia but also lots of turkish. It can be a bit tough to get lit though. I take back ever wanting it as a broken flake, I love the ritual of breaking chunks off the black bricks and rubbing them out individually. I got a free sample of this with my last order and can't say enough good about it. Of course it is hard to keep lit and everything, there's over 70% of Latakia in there! If that's your cup of tea though, you will certainly enjoy this one. This is for those dirty pirates!!! Heavy in each puff but always controlled by the Burley and Orientals, the Latakia seemed almost like a mild perfume that the other two were wearing. Smoothness and richness of the smoke is here in good measure. So much so that I just ordered a 16ox bag of it. The crumble cake is easy to pack, the smell is strong smoky. I do read some reviews that the burley is undetectable, and used as a filler, however this is not the case for me. Maybe not an all day smoke but a great choice if youre searching for a characterful, spicy but not too strong mixture. I recommend this to any Latakia fan, and for anyone looking for a warm blend to smoke on a cold winter day. Not so fast! I've been a pipe smoker on/off for a couple decades. If you want to strip the gears of a non-smoker, well folks this Latakia packed blend will get the job done. Appearance and Tin aroma: Nice pressed bricks, a little more moist than I'm used to from C&D. PK: Highly recommended. Highly recommend with the caveat that you like a Lat bomb. I Love The Smell of Creosote and Campfires in the Morning, Product: Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake 16oz. Sweet taste and slight reminiscence of coconut. . I am thrilled to find a blend where I can enjoy the flavor and spice of the Turkish without it being overpowering. The great thing about smoking a bowl of this is that it's the same through- out. I smoked a tin then I bought a pound. Well I was hoping to find something very strong as it's a Latakia Bomb but NO! LDG - Laudisi Distribution Group If you love Latakia, this is a must try. It is also an understatement. Definately in my top 10. The room note won't make you any friends (although my wife enjoys it), and any pipe you smoke it in will be ghosted forevermore, but it's worth it. Few smokers will see PK as an all-day or even every-day smoke but it is what it is and if you want a latakia fix then this is nice to have on hand. Highly recommended to quite and cold winter nights. If you don't care for latakia then definitely steer clear of this one, but I for one can't imagine a piper not enjoying this smoke. It takes a bit of patience to light, but once it gets going it lasts for a very long time. Oh man what a blend. The overwhelming sensory overload of so much latakia might make some believe that there is "strength" in this mixture. Updated 8/10/12 I've just tried, Engine 99, back to back with, Pirate Kake, both bulks, and I find PK better . This is my new all day smoke . The smokiness of the Latakia is perfectly balanced with the nuttiness of the burley and just a little tickle of the spice of oriental. Tecnicamente un prodotto eccellente, fuma in modo impeccabile, ma alla fine non rimane nel cuore, solo nella mente. My kids' comment on tin note - "Ewww! It's not so much of that "campfire" Latakia taste as it is that mossy, damp, woody, nature-like taste. Create New Wish List; Facebook; Email; Print; Twitter; . Broke her in with my tongues? It's not unusual to get a two hour smoke out of this combination. Cold smell is very smoky - woodfire and leather dominant. This is not a tobacco for the neophyte but for the latakia fiend who wants full-bodied spice, depth and complexity in their smoke. ste es un tabaco para los Latakialovers. A Vitamin N bomb stronger than Nightcap. Turns out I am. Having not tried many C & D products, after meeting them and sampling PK and a few others, I'm now a fan. This tobacco is incredibly smooth and cool to smoke. I've been smoking english blends since the mid 90's. It still made my tongue slightly numb, but then so does a shot of Mezcal, and I don't avoid that spirit. I don't smoke pirate kake very often but a few times a month I do get a CRAVING for it, and it always delivers. I recommend a small bowl with a longish stem for best smoke. I concur (but in a good way). I think if I had bought this in any quantity it would be a great blender with a dryer, easier burning, simple burley. Pirate Kake :: Pipe Tobacco Reviews :: Pipe Smokers Forums of The scent from the open bag makes promises that are kept. Like Guinness Draught, say. Wow. Try it! The result is a kind of monochromatic, but what a great color! I can imagine the dedicated Pirate Kake lover sitting alone at home, after all his friends have fled the toxic smell, grumbling to himself about how he never liked having friends anyway. Taste wood, mildly sweet, some floral and smokey earthy flavors. Having said that, this tobacco is in no way an every-day smoke as it just doesn't have enough character to contemplate on. I got this as a sample and was not sure I liked it at first but I found that after smoking it several times it began to grow on me. Definitely not an all-day thing, as it would become boring. I recon it is due to the amount of latakia. This is the latakia bomb of all time here. This became my favorite pipe tobacco blend halfway through my first bowl. I bought this because I found a 6 year old tin at a local B&M. My preference has always been for latakia forward blends but admit to having reservations to smoking anything that had a 70% latakia content. Although BLB is wonderful in its own right, I have to say that this blend takes the cake. Its reminds me of taking a handful of fresh basil and stuffing your mouth (but not as extreme,) and once the flavor has left your palate there is still a certain feeling present. Tonight, it is C&D's Pirate Kake. I currently add 25% Pirate Kake to Lane's Rum and Maple. Tin note - Very earthy/musty Lights easy and burns well. This is my favorite Lat-bomb of all time, having tried many that get harsh or bitter. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake 16 Oz Bag. Very creamy, smooth in the mouth and leaves a nice coating for you to enjoy for an hour. It is very moist. Until the bottom of the bowl, it's an explosion of taste! I'll be honest. I'm a big latakia fan, but this was even too much for me. I now know why pirates don't have wives. I don't think I will be buying another tin, but it was a good experience. So, if you're a latakia lover give this blend a shot. I received an neat little 1/2 ounce cube of this as a gift from Smokingpipes.com in an order that I had placed. I do note this is good for something different. ORIGINAL: Well now I know what a lat bomb is. This may truly be thee fynest treasure in the seven seas!! It is not the smoothest and certainly not the roughest but it is full of flavor and delicious in my opinion. BUT almost no nicotine. I'm partial to Billy Budd myself, but this seems just like the same without the cigar leaf. I opened the backy and let it dry a tad bit,and then loaded a bowl. Pirate Kake does have a rich smoky flavor, but it lacks the compelling subtleties of blends like Odyssey, Penzance and Lagonda. I just don't like this much latakia in my pipe at one time. I can taste it from time to time, not in a nutty burley taste but more of a vegetative way. I enjoyed the tobacco for what it's worth, but felt completely satiated for a while. It wouldn't be the first tobacco I reached for, and I have doubts if I'd ever buy it, but I wouldn't refuse another sample. It joins a favorite list and while it wont be a regular part of my rotation I definitely will smoke it when I need something different in my smoking rotation. As always YMMV. Nice and flavorful smoke! Adding to cart The item has been added. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco Can - 2oz Those three bowls were quite enjoyable. if you can procure it Cornell and Diehl: Pirate Kake 2oz Tobacco: Burley, Latakia, Orientals Cut: Cake Blend Type: English Strength: Medium Your Price: $11.05. Watch out,if smoked too fast you will get a big punch. Being mostly interested in English blends this really satisfied my love of latakia. I've readjusted the ratings and highly recommend this blend very much. Yes, it is. Dark and rich looking, begging to be smoked. I like to pack it a bit more moist than usual as I find that releases more of the flavor. Sometimes I find myself puffing like a freight train, I just cannot get enough of this blend in one bowl! After smoking this, my tongue walked the plank. :). You may even liken this to a creosote and tar aroma. The "Ham Bone" aspect disappeared. This is my first crumble cake, and I found it to be fun and easy to prepare. As a previous reviewer mentionedit's a drinkin' Jack Daniels feelin' dangerous type of tobacco. Pirate Kake has a steady latakia impact throughout the bowl and burns down to a fine gray ash - no dottle and very little moisture if smoked slowly. This is one of hte few English blends I really like. It's really not what I consider a "Latakia Bomb" with an obtrusive Latakia aroma! The pressed cakes are good looking, somewhat moist and tightly pressed.
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